Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy Anniversary to Me

I don't usually toot my own horn, but it's my 11th wedding anniversary today. I totally forgot about it until my husband (yes, husband) reminded me this morning. It was on his PDA; otherwise, he would not have remembered either. Wow, time sure has flown!

I remember getting married at the San Diego city hall, but before I knew it, the ceremony was over and I immediately wondered to myself what have I done! No, not that I regretted marrying him, but I just did something that would affect the rest of my life. It was a BIG & SCARY the time!

Was this considered "cold feet", but after the fact?!


Anonymous said...

Happy 11th Anniversary!! How exciting! David & I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary on the 27th of this month. I CAN NOT WAIT!! Here's to another (raising my water bottle) 11 year of married life together!! And of course much happiness and love to the two of you! Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Congratulations!

AVCr8teur said...

Thanks Beth, Big Scott! Your sentiments are much appreciated!

- AV

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Happy Anniversary AV!!! 11 years - taht is something. I was married 10 before my husband asked for a divorce. Lovely huh? In fact, it was right before our 10th anniversary. Time does fly....I have now ben divorced for almost 9 years..and it is hard to believe. Dana (sunshine)

Anonymous said...

Happy 11th! I had no idea that you were that old. I mean, mature. May you live to see as many as you can tolerate!

AVCr8teur said...

Thanks Dana! You're probably happier the last 9 years than your first 10 years. Hey, you got Brandon! :)

AVCr8teur said...

Hi Leon, Thanks! Yeah, I am old, but I don't feel it. Maybe, I'm getting senile too. Hahaha!