Thursday, January 31, 2013

Skywatch Friday - 3, 2, 1...Blast Off!

A perfect day for a rocket lift-off and a passenger already sitting on-board at the top.
This 40 ft. (12 meters) "Raygun Gothic Rocketship" sculpture created by Sean Orlando, Nathaniel Taylor, and David Shulman is a temporary exhibit by San Francisco's waterfront.
The website describes this artwork as a retro-futuristic vision of space travel circa 1930’s-1940’s science fiction.
You can visit or participate in Skywatch Friday.

- Karen

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - All Aboard

Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Visit other participants at Wordless Wednesday Blogspot,
Wordless Wednesday Bloggers, and
Art of Retro Collage.

- Karen

Sunday, January 27, 2013

San Jose Fire Museum

Yesterday was an open house at the local fire department museum celebrating its 159th year of the city's fire department.
This 1914 fire aerial ladder truck was in service at the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition (world's fair) held in San Francisco to celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal.

Do you fancy riding in this red 1929 REO Fire Chief's car?

Or, this white Fire Chief's car?
It is a 1905 Cadillac with an original price tag of $950.00 from Detroit. It was restored and has been part of the museum for 35 years. The sign says only 4,029 of these vehicles were made and very few remain today.

A new collection was unveiled at the open house.
Drum roll, please...

It is a restored 1914 Knox Chemical Hose Wagon.
From what I read, early fire departments used baking soda and acid (vinegar) together to form carbon dioxide gas to extinguish fires; thus, the term "chemical" hose.

Isn't this 1890 Amoskeag Steamer a beauty with the shiny copper/brass tank?
It was purchased for $4,345.00 in 1890, a lot of money back then, and used in the 1906 earthquake. The fire station collapsed, but the firemen dug out the engine and used it to fight fires for 2 straight days.

This miniaturized fire truck is more my size.

- Karen

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Transamerica Pyramid

When I see the TransAmerica Building in the distance, there is no mistake I am in San Francisco.

According to Wikipedia, construction was finished in 1972 and at one-time it was one of the tallest buildings west of the Mississippi. It has 48 floors and in the past, visitors could go as high as the 27th floor to look out its windows.

Even the shrubery outside the building is shaped like a pyramid.

Happy Skywatch Friday!

- Karen

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Hills Brothers Coffee

Visit other Wordless Wednesday participants at the
Wordless Wednesday Blogspot,
Wordless Wednesday Bloggers, and
Art of RetroCollage.

- Karen

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sydney Walton Square

I rejoined my favorite meetup group this past Saturday to hike through San Francisco's diverse neighborhoods. On this day, we walked through Sydney Walton Square in the Embarcadero by the waterfront.
It has many pieces of art including the two I posted here.
A map for a self-guided tour can be found here.

I was drawn to this piece because of the dogs. It is called "Portrait of Georgia O'Keefe" by Marisol Escobar (1982) based on a photograph Escobar took of the 90-year-old Ms. O'Keefe with her two show dogs.

This piece is called "Pine Tree Obelisk" by Joan Brown (1987).
This colorful tiled artwork includes crabs, trees, and seagulls, perfect in a park.

Any local bloggers or readers who would like join in on future walks, let me know so we can meet.

- Karen

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Center of the Performing Arts

A cold, yet sunny day in Silicon Valley.
This is the Center of the Performing Arts building in downtown San Jose.
It was built in 1972 with large windows to allow natural light in. It has a seating capacity of over 2,600 and home of the local ballet company and Broadway plays.
The statue out front is of the California Bear created by the well-known scultor, Beniamino Benvenuto Bufano.

Visit other Skywatch Friday participants here.

- Karen

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Lick Observatory

Visit other Wordless Wednesday participants here and here.

- Karen

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Leggy Stools

These are fun bar stools at the Carlos 'n Charlies' Mexican Restaurant in Las Vegas.
They are attention-getters and draw patrons to their bar.

- Karen

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Twin Peaks

Although you can't see it from this vantage point, Twin Peaks in San Francisco are two hills located side by side rising to an elevation of 922 feet.
It is a popular tourist attraction because on a clear day or night, you can see the city skyline.
You might have seen the windy road below in movies or in car commercials.

Happy Skywatch Friday!

- Karen

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Tourist from Far, Far Away

Visit other Wordless Wednesday participants here and here.

- Karen

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Wedding Gazebo

Las Vegas is a popular place for weddings, so it probably should not surprise anyone to see a wedding gazebo inside a casino's garden setting like this one.

Some newlyweds have immortalized their special day on the brick path that leads up to the gazebo.

In the same garden are real and artificial flamingos to greet the wedding party.

- Karen

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Sutro Tower

Anyone who has been to San Francisco will have noticed this huge 977 ft. television & radio antenna standing prominently in the city's skyline.
You can visit or participant in Skywatch Friday.

- Karen

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Happy New Year's Greeting

Happy 2013 to everyone!
Thank you for your support throughout the year!

Visit other Wordless Wednesday participants here and here.

- Karen