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Like many New York City tourists, I went by Wall Street to see the famous charging bull. Very few people were around, but that changed quickly...
Moments later, bus loads of tourists came by. When they left, another bus load came, they left, another bus load came, this went on for awhile...
Then students walking by went into action and got into the midst of the tourists. It was a mob scene, but no one cared if strangers got into their picture.
When it got too crowded by the bull's head, people took their photos by the bull's rump. Amazing!- Karen

While in New York City, I spotted this unusual structure and liked the pattern it created. The beams certainly are not there to hold the building together nor do they serve as a precarious fire escape.
Is it art or a memento of what once stood there?
Sorry to keep you in suspense, but I do not have any information about this location, although I am hoping someone out there knows to keep me from pondering.- Karen

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.
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As we sail on the Potomac River in Washington D.C., I see the Washington Monument jutting out from behind the miniaturized buildings.
A group of rowing students share the river with us as we cruise by.
This flaming red fireboat docked on the Potomac is named after the famous astronaut.
A colossal quadrupled-decked ship for hire for your next party.- Karen

It's the weekend, pick a chair to relax in and watch people go by.

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What is a trip to Niagara Falls without getting wet and feeling its force?
Since 1846, the Maid of the Mist 30 minute boat ride has been taking passengers in for a closer look. With its huge popularity, the tour operator has since expanded to include a number of boats leaving from both the U.S. and Canadian borders.
Most people migrate onto the open top deck of the boat where you can hardly move without bumping into a stranger, but with so much excitement, no one hardly notices. Everyone is issued a complimentary blue poncho to keep the clothes underneath dry. One size fits all for the adults. I was using my point & shoot camera and it got quite wet. At some point when it was misting so badly, I had to put away the camera and just admire the scenery.
On our ride into the falls, another Maid of the Mist boat returns from their journey into the mist.- Karen

You can see the Rainbow Bridge and the Niagara River that divide the United States and Canada.
I arrived just before sunset on the United States side and here looking down at one of the two falls that make up Niagara Falls, the "American Falls". If you were standing on the Canadian side, you would get a much better view.
From this angle, you might not even realize that this is the popular "Horseshoe Falls" if not from all the mist it creates.
Sunsets at Niagara Falls with the Canadian cityscape in the background.
I think the red reflection on the water came from a neon sign from one of the numerous hotels or casinos across the way.- Karen

Multiple views of Niagara Falls
To read other Wordless Wednesday posts, click here.- Karen

I will conclude this week-long tour of Filoli with more tulips from its garden.
I will be traveling to the East Coast for the week. If I have a chance, I'll post something; otherwise, have a great week!- Karen