This view was discovered by accident. I decided to travel down a set of steep and narrow stairs from the main prison and after what seemed like 100+ steps, I saw this magnificient view before me. The Golden Gate Bridge is in the background.
From the water's edge, visitors can take this path which winds around a bird santuary and then back towards the ferry landing. Apparently, this trail is only open to the public from October through February when the birds who reside on the island aren't nesting.This will be my last posting from my Alcatraz adventure. I hope the series ended on a somewhat positive note of a place with beautiful views. I still have a few more Alcatraz photos I might throw out for future ABC Wednesdays.
I really appreciate everyone stopping by and commenting.
- AV
All about Alcatraz have been very interesting. :-)
a great series!
Beautiful views! I've really enjoyed your Alcatreaz series. I can't wait to see what you have next!!
Thank you, I enjoyed the tour. We were in San Francisco this past summer but we only went around Alcatraz not to the prison itself.
Great views! I'll have to remember that next time I go home for break!
I would never have know the GG bridge was in that horizon, nicely done! :)
Glad to hear the positive feedback about the Alcatraz series. I'll keep on the lookout for more interesting photos to post.
Glad you dropped by my photo blog. Your photos are amazing.
DrowseyMonkey: I discovered your site through Entrecard and really like your photos.
The best things are generally unplanned - there are no expectations. :) Lovely view, you must have had a wonderful day.
Great collection of shots.
Isadora: Great pictures are rewarded to those who are adventurous.
Cromley: Thanks! I appreciate your comment.
OOOOOOoooooohh! An adventure. I like exploring too!
Lots of love
A very nice series of photos and thanks for taking us on your tour.
Edmund: You are the true adventurer in my book.
Lilli & Nevada: Glad you liked the tour. Compliments like yours make it all worthwhile. Thanks!
You truly are a genius with the camera. And I mean that :) You found lots of stuff I didn't. I don't think that trail was open when we were there. I don't remember it at all!!!
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