Friday, February 15, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Field of Sunshine

It has been quite warm in the San Francisco Bay Area recently and wildflowers are already sprouting in a nearby field.
Although it was cloudy overhead, the field was shining brightly.
Visit participants in Skywatch Friday!

- Karen


Anonymous said...

I saw lots of those little yellow allergy factories in a friends photo from a Vineyard in the Bay area today! We have had a week of lovely weather in California even the flowers think so!

Anonymous said...

That's a very bright field!

eileeninmd said...

The field is pretty, great shot! Hope your skies are clear this weekend, have a good one!

Jana said...

fantastic, this colour is real sunshine+so heartwarming! lucky you! have a good weekend:-))

Jenny Woolf said...

And fields like this can look like sunshine even when the clouds are grey.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful color. I like the bright scene.

Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful. We still have lots of snow and ice on the ground.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, such a bright scene, we are still drab, gray, and brown here.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Really beautiful yellow flower carpet! Pretty warm in S CA this weekend, but cool weather and rain are in for forecast for next week.

betchai said...

oh wow, so beautiful, have not seen field of wildflowers here yet, wish i see some soon.

Anonymous said...

the yellowish green field is very pleasant to the eyes

Self Sagacity said...

A field of wild flowers gives the look of relaxation and slowing down. First photo is like a painting I have in my house.

Photo Cache said...

i love this time of the year when our fields are yellow. we usually go on a yearly drive to napa around this time just to gawk at the yellow fields.

Emm in London said...

How beautiful. And you're right - the flowers seem to have their own innate light. Reminds me of the fields of buttercups I saw in Windermere. I adore buttercups but had never seen a whole field of them so I was thrilled.

LifeRamblings said...

the field looks so inviting and pleasing to the eyes. said...

Gorgeous shot. Can't imagine where you found that much open space in the Bay Area.