Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Elk Antler Arch

Visit other Wordless Wednesday participants here.

- Karen


AVCr8teur said...

This is one of the four elk antlers arches that welcome visitors into the town square park in Jackson, Wyoming. Antlers from male elks are shed annually so this is an interesting way to reuse them.

caite said...

wow, that is A LOT of antlers.

ArtandArchitecture-SF.com said...

That is truly gorgeous, AND amazing. It would offend me except that I know they shed them as a natural part of their life cycle. (glad you mentioned that :-))

Indrani said...

Lovely creation with the antlers.
I would love to walk through that.

Carol said...

That is an amazing arch. Cool use of the antlers.

LifeRamblings said...

very impressive. thanks for sharing the bits of information.

betchai said...

wow, that is a lot of antlers. never got the chance to explore Jackson Hole, this is an interesting way indeed of using the antlers shed off by male elks.

rainfield61 said...

That is unique.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Happy to hear those antlers are shed naturally, wow what a collection!

catsynth said...

Quite impressive. It looked abstract at first until I recognized that it was made of antlers.

lina said...

That's a LOT of antlers and a LOT of shedding!

Beautiful arch. :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That brought back memories. I had an uncle that owned a drug store on the square. Last time I was there it was persian rug store. There is a monument to veterans in the square and it has his name on it.

FilipBlog said...

Artistic and must be a lot of work.


Jana said...

wowww, impressive, do they lose them actually once a year?happy rest of the week from me!

Anonymous said...

I almost made an assumption this was a result of excessive hunting. Glad you explained it first thing.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.They are like bones.

AVCr8teur said...

They do look like bones and yes the horns are lost annually. I, too, thought it was an important point to mention the antlers are shed naturally and not due to hunting. It is a lot of work especially to put together 4 of them.

Yogi: That is impressive to have his name in the town square. I might have taken a picture of it, but the wording is too small. Is it the one in the middle of the square with a cowboy riding a horse?

Mandy said...

Oh, I'm so relieved I read your first comment! So the antlers are shed naturally? *sigh of relief*

Great capture!