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I have not posted any pictures of my dog for awhile so I thought this was a good opportunity after the last trip we took with him.
Maverick loves road trips and enjoys sticking his head out the window to breathing in the fresh air as we drive.
And, yes, I believe that is the moon visible in the sky.
We rented a motor boat to take a cruise on New Lake Melones. Maverick enjoyed sitting on his pillow watching us do all the work.
A photogenic picture of Maverick in Yosemite.- Karen
What great photos! Did it take awhile to get him used to riding in boats or was he a natural sailor from the get-go?
Other End: Thank you very much! That was the first time Maverick's been on a boat. He was quite curious about the water underneath as we sped along. You didn't see the pictures of him wanting to jump in. :) I would have to say he was curious and cautious at the same time so I don't know if that makes him a natural sailor.
hurray for traveling dogs! :)
Nice pics......
wow.. i love dogs! mine is a shih tzu.. what breed of dog is maverick?
Thank you everyone for commenting!
fortuitous faery: I wished more places would allow dogs in the U.S. I know Europe is more tolerable about dogs in public places.
Jaypee: Shih Tzu's are cute! Maverick is a Rat Terrier. He loves to chase squirrels, rodents, ...etc. He keeps the household safe from little creatures. :)
A fine specimen. I like the way he came in from the corner in the last one.
ur handsome dog deserved his name. and a perfect chaperone too even in photoshooting!..
i misd my askal. :)
ps: i wonder sis, ..where was my portal hiding in yours :D
Uh-oh. If that was the first time he's been on a boat, you're in trouble. You're going to have to remember that pillow the next time. He probably figures that's the way boating is done now. Boy, lap of luxury. Literally!
Cute dogggie! In the last one he almost looks like he's laughing.
RuneE/Dot: Thanks for your comments. The picture was taken at an angle to make it look like he was there by himself. I would like to think Maverick was smiling.
AJ: It is always fun whenever Maverick is around. Although he likes to pull if he finds something that interests him and makes it hard to keep photos from being blurry.
Kathy: I think Maverick's expecting a pillow everywhere he goes and not just on a boat. He's so spoiled! :P
I'm missing my Vanessa, you must really love Maverick so much. Nice looking pal :)
Cute pet & some lovely shots. Loved the first one taken from the mirror!
- Pixellicious Photos
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