Curious Blue Beams
Is it art or a memento of what once stood there?
Sorry to keep you in suspense, but I do not have any information about this location, although I am hoping someone out there knows to keep me from pondering.
- Karen
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12:01 AM
Sure looks strange. Maybe it creates a visual effect when you look at the design far away.
Interesting structure...
Is this an art or what?
ouhh.... I was shot by them.
Very curious indeed!!!
i am curious too if for what purpose do they serve. looks interesting though
It looks like something to hold up another structure that might sit in front of it. Maybe they're going to put something else up.
Most unlikely uses :
A fire escape of sorts.
Perches for birds.
A way to escape the building if there is a fire or EQ and the elevators are not working?
Very cool. I don't recall seeing that in NYC. Where is it located?
Catsynth, et al: This is from the artistic work of Frosty Myers called "The Wall" on the corner of Broadway & Houston. Let me know when you see it the next time you're in NYC.
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