On a recent trip to the science museum, I saw this Waxy Monkey Tree Frog who seems to be sulking and ignoring the world.
Or, this proud gecko showing off its underside.
And, this Isabella Longwing Butterfly enjoying with quad-fisted gusto a "bottle" of nectar.What do you think? Do you have another humorous story to describe these creatures' behaviors?
- Karen
You should have examined the underside of the gecko and tell us some interesting findings.
It is rare opportunity to have such a view.
Big fan of the frogs, love the first shot, beautiful.
I agree with Rainfield :D These shots are amazing and I love the frog, he "wants to be alone"
wow, lovely Karen, I am so amazed with the frog, actually, all of them.
I love all of these. Awesome hot and interesting. Hope o see more of this by myself. =D
Travel and Living
Job Hunter
I didn't realize how many people like frogs. Thank you for the visit & comments.
Rainfield61:I feel like if I looked too closely at the underside of the gecko, I would be invading its privacy. :)
I love your wide angle shots very much! And the frog is just hilariously good!!! :)
Look at that awesome animals! I love 'em!
As for the zoom lens, a 500 goes a looong ways compared to the 200, I won't lie!
Just dropped to take a closer look of your blog. Your is fantastic! Lot of colorful stuffs throughout...keep up the good work!
all pics are awesome...keep going
Your trip to the science museum opened a door into the wonderland to me. Thank you for the wonderful photographs. I enjoyed them greatly. I would even dare to say that your frog is much more than just a good photo of a frog, it as if revive the story of our own being here and now - that's the powerful symbol. I as if am reading the love story while viewing your work.
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