Z is for Zapcar on ABC Wednesday
I saw these cute little electric vehicles last summer and took pictures of them in anticipation of the letters X or Z. They are called Xebra made by Zap!
Here are some of the Xebra stats:
- 10 feet in length
- 5 feet wide
- 5 .05 feet in height
- 1720 pounds
- 3 cents per mile
- Maximum speed at 40 MPH (65 kmph)
- 25 miles per charge
- 3 wheel vehicle
- 2 seater
- Price starts at $10,000US from a local dealer
- Also comes in Ocean Blue, Zebra Flash, Kiwi Green, and Lipstick Red

Which color suits you?
- AV
I think I would take theKiwi Green.
When you said cute, are you sure you didn't mean ugly? We used to have a similar three wheeled car over here called a Reliant Robin, affectionately know as a Plastic Pig.
Mike, Haha, I would like to see a car affectionately known as a Plastic Pig. No, these were kind of cute, really.
Hpy, good choice. I don't think I want to be caught with the Zebra Flash. It would be kind of embarrassing.
Nice one - But I don't think they have them around here :-(
Oh I've never heard of a Zapcar...I wonder if we have them in the UK. :o)
No I've never heard of them either - they are yet to cross the pond
The striped Zebra Flash suits me, I think, but the top speed of 40mph...that's not enough for one who's always in a hurry. LOL :D
I'll take the Zebra, hands down. My husband says these are golf carts..??
It is cute, but it looks a bit tippy with that center wheel.
Too cute! I actually like the zebra one but I wouldn't want it for myself. lol
I'll go pink.
I mean if you're gonna look gay - go all the way.
Way too slow ;)
Black n white stripes for me, thanks, mate!!!
I like the green one!!!
Runee, I read that the steering wheel can be on the right or left side so I assume they can be exported to other countries.
Ruth, I don't even see them in the U.S. except on display. I don't think anyone is brave enough to drive one being dwarfed by all the SUVs around here.
Ackworth, Believe me, I never heard of them either until that day I saw them on display. I wonder how many are actually on the road.
Deb/Digital Flower, Are youg guys speed demons? I guess it would be acceptable to drive one if a majority of the households have one otherwise it wouldn't be practical.
Bonnie, I think these are classified as motorcycles at least that's what I read. I guess you can use them as golf carts. I've seen one couple drive an electric golf cart on a main expressway. I think they got lost because those carts are not allowed on streets over 25 miles speed limit.
KML, each one is close to 1700 lbs, but I guess in a strong wind or a having a semi-truck pass by can make it dangerous.
Dot/David, I guess you both like to stand out in traffic. Although, owners should be able to decorate their vehicles any way they wish.
Oswegan, I guess it's better than the Zebra style or you can have it repainted to any color you fancy.
Dana, Kiwi Green? I wonder if the colors people pick tell us anything about your personality? Haha!
I live the zippy little car, it might have a hard time here in the mtns of VA!
I would love one of those babies in green to coordinate well with my auburn hair! It would amount to a little over 2M Hungarian Forints. Where do I sign up? :)
so, Technically, you could have done X and Z together. Awesome! I don't believe I have seen--or maybe noticed is a better word- these cars before!
Jean, I don't think have the 4-wheel drive yet. I can see these go downhill, but not uphill. :D
Isadora, I guess 2M Hungarian Forints isn't too much? After further research, these have been certified as legal for the UK, but no other countries are indicated.
Neva, You might see more of these soon as the gas prices go up. You can see Domino Pizza using this vehicle for deliveries on this short video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyviLK3GCsE
Great planning!!!
And D'OH! I totally missed last Wednesday...maybe I'll double up thi week.
Christine, you can do A and Z at the same time.
It’s great that more people are focusing on making better environmental choices. Plus technology is making it more economical now, and that’s what people really notice. Wind energy, solar power, hybrids and zap EV’s, our choices are good. There are now electric cars being sold everyday, you just plug it into a regular power outlet. When people test drive them they say it’s far more fun to drive an EV.
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