Y is for Youths on ABC Wednesday

I looked through all my newer photos and couldn't find anything that started with the letter Y so I dug through my archives from my old newspaper days and came up with these photos.
- AV
Posted by
12:12 AM
What could be better than Youths? If we don't have it ourselves, we love to see it in the...youths.
Greetings from one who is in his "late youth" :-)
The butterfly shot is great; the timing of the last shot is exquisite.
your youthfulness yields yells
A sweet post. Our youth are so important and who doesn't love a butterfly!
That butterfly shot is cool...I presume you photoshopped it yourself? cool! I just bought Elements 6.0 and have installed it. I can't wait to play with it. I also bought a manual to go with....should open up a world of possibilities!!!
Love the last picture too.
I love the butterfly shot. Aren't butterflies great!
I like the last photo of that young boy leaping on the yellow slide.
These are beautiful. What spirit you capture! A viewers delight.
Nice theme and photos.
A perfect Y - well done!!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
So resourceful! I need to sort my photos in a big way!
Y was difficult for me too. I like your youthful choices.
I like your photos...that first one is so lovely. :o)
Very nice yellows!
I just love the B&W. Perfect.
Youths doing youthful things - all beautifully photographed by you.
Runee, I'm a youth a heart too. Thanks for your comment.
David, What I love about photography is timing to get that perfect shot. Thanks for your comment about the butterfly shot as well. I missed a few that flew away too quickly.
Ackworth, well said. Yippee for your comments.
Thanks Dot, Youths keep us young. The butterflies are great if they stay put. :)
Thanks Dana. I assuming you meant the first butterfly photograph. The butterfly was there so I didn't "put" it there. I just transformed a majority of the photo to b&w and kept the butterfly at its original color. Photoshop has got to be the greatest program invented.
Mike, Yes butterflies or any creature of nature are great. The challenge is to make sure they don't fly or run away. Haha!
Deb, thanks for noticing. I totally missed the Yellow for Y.
Thanks Bonnie for your kind words. To me, a challenge of photography is trying to get an emotional response from the viewer.
Thanks Oswegan. It's hard to keep up with the master such as yourself.
Thanks kml for your comments. Now I've run out of Y photos for next time.
Denise, when we take so many photos over the years, it's tough to sort them out and remember which folder they're in. We will have to work harder the 2nd time around for ABC Wednesdays. :P
Photowannabe, Thanks for your comment. I guess we will have to go out and take more photos for the next go around for ABC Wednesdays.
Photowannabe, Thanks for your comment. I guess we will have to go out and take more photos for the next go around for ABC Wednesdays.
Thanks Ruth, I'm partial to that one too. It was my first attempt at Photoshop years ago.
Neva, You're right, there is yellows on the slide and on the little kid's shirt. I was too busy to even realize that.
Thanks Digital Flower. I guess my first try at Photoshop worked. I knew what I wanted, but had no idea how to do it. Just by trial & error, it came out the way I wanted.
Thanks Annie, glad I could share my views with everyone. What did we do before blogging???
Love all of your pictures today. Great post.
Beautiful Kodak moments!
Great, just great recent photos for all of us to enjoy! Thanks for your visits to my blog.
I have just talked with Mama on her cell phone--I'm home still, doing laundry, allowing Duncan plenty of time outside his kennel and some well-deserved attention, tending to her get-well bouquet from a neighbor, etc.--she said she had an OK night, ate a bit more breakfast, and has not seemed as dizzy when she's sitting up, but she said she still falls asleep as soon as she lying down. She said that if I visited anyone’s blog, to say thank you for your well wishes for her, for all of us.
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