U is for Universal Studios on ABC Wednesday

U should have been for Urrrgh this week! I took some other U related photos a few years ago, but I can't find them on my hard drive. That is disturbing! Anyways, you are now stuck looking at some old vacation photos of Universal Studios - Los Angeles.
For those not familiar with this place, it is a movie studio and theme park. Many well-known television shows and movies have been and are still being filmed here. The rides and stage shows are based on movies such as Jurassic Park and Waterworld.
- AV
I'm rather intrigued on what U for urgggh is, theres always next time the letter comes around.
What a neat place to be able to visit! I'm amazed at all the places you have been.
You can safely say that this was of Universal interest...
hey... universal studios... that looks like a fun place to be. great use of U.
jim baker
They don't go with underproduction.
These are great U photos - I bet they will be the only ones! Excellent idea!
I've never been, but it looks like lots of fun.
I've never been, but it looks like lots of fun.
I LOVED the Backdraft ride, all the flames in the dark. I remember water in it too. It was fabulous.
I loved Universal Studies when I was there a few years ago! Great "U"!!
I remember Jaws. Dad lost a filling when the human head floated out of the sunken boat! LOL! Class!
Thanks Kate Isis, unfortunately, I think I somehow misplaced those pictures somewhere.
Thanks Dot. It's a fun place, but if you go to the one in Orlando, Florida, it's bigger, but to me the Hollywood-esque feeling is just not there.
Runee, I was getting worried when I couldn't find any U photos. Luckily after poking around in my archives, these old vacation photos popped out.
Jim/Hpy/Oswegan, if you ever get a chance, it's a fun place to visit. No underproduction here, but more like overproduction with so much to see and do.
kml, I guess you're right. Unfortunately, I'm going to run out of pictures during the 2nd time around ABC Wednesdays. :P
Bonnie/Neva, Two veterans. Sounds like you both had fun. Although you felt like you're in an oven during the Backdraft tour and get the chills during the 'rushing water downhill' part of the tour. You know what I mean. ;)
Denise, Sounds like that Jaws movie did some far reaching damage to your dad's tooth. Glad I was able to bring back some funny memories.
Boy do I know that UUUUUUGGGG word! I cant believe how much time i wast trying to find pics, no matter how hard I try to label them intelligently , they are never where I think they should be!
I have never been to this u site!
Exciting use of U.
It looks like a fun place.
Wow, you are a blessed person to get to visit so many interesting places. Great "U" pictures and post.
California, I wish I were there right now. We have two snow storms predicted for the next three days. First one is tomorrow with a 'Heavy Snow Warning' for 8 inches. Saturday could be more. So thanks for the pictures of sunny SoCal.
Jean, so you know about UUUUUUGGGG pictures too! I just don't think I deleted them. Oh well, I guess I'll have to visit those sites again for the next U photos. Luckily they're local.
Gawo/Andrea, it is quite an exciting place. The last time I went, they were actually filming an American tv show. I am sure the place has changed the last time I visited it.
Digital Flower, I think I took these pictures in July several years back. Glad to bring you some sunshine. Keep warm!
I was there over 20 yrs ago, loved the place, but i can't believe that they still have Jaws there. DO they still have the Mckay Navy boat as well?
That first photo made me think somebody was in big trouble! :D
AV, I just published my last post for this year. I'm leaving town tomorrow for a few weeks. May you have the loveliest of holidays and a very good 2008. I'll see you again in mid Jan. :)
Its been a few years since I was at Universal. When the kids were small we would go quite often as part of our vacation to "The happiest place on Earth".
Photowannabe, most people make the same trip to Disneyland and Universal Studios as they are about 25 minutes apart or 90 minutes during rush hour.
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