Saturday, August 27, 2011

Guests in the Garden

A few weeks ago I revisited the local butterfly garden which were absent of butterflies at the time.
However, the hummingbirds and the mosquitoes did move in.
The hummingbirds are welcome anytime, but I was not fond of the mosquito tenants who had no problem of making me part of their lunch.

- Karen


FilipBlog said...

Nice picture, most be difficult and have a lot of patience


William K Wallace said...

Perfectly captured picture. I know all about getting eaten alive my pesky mosquitos. When I was living in Barbados I fed loads of them...

betchai said...

beautiful shot, you reminded me to go to butterfly garden too and I won't mind if like you I would see hummingbird instead. Thankfully, mosquitoes are absent here :)

Unknown said...

I am a new Follower of your Blog from Jamaica. Wonderful pictures! I am a big bird enthusiast and these pictures are so wonderful. You captured them at the right moment! I have a huge collection of bird figurines that my twin and I started over 10 years ago. It now stands in memory of the shared love we had for our feathered friends. Take care and have a good day.

catsynth said...

Great picture of the hummingbird - you got it in mid-flight very clearly.
I'm not too fond of mosquitos either - I'm not aware of anyone who particularly likes them.

lina said...

Beautiful shot. :)

LifeRamblings said...

capturing a bird in flight is not easy. You really did an excellent job! Mosquitoes are not my best friends either.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful capture! Oh, how I loathe mosquitoes. Good job at sticking with them to get this amazing shot :)

Mandy said...

Such a lovely photo!! I love your shots of birds and animals and am always impressed that you manage to capture them!!