Wednesday Hero

25 years old from Fulton, New York
2nd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery, 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division
December 3, 2006

Spc. Kenneth Haines joined the United States Army in September 2000 as a fire support specialist and had been assigned to his unit for just over three years. He deployed to Iraq in October of 2006.
During his time in service, he received several military awards and decorations, including the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and National Defense Service Medal.
Spc. Haines was killed by an IED that was detonated near his vehicle while on patrol in Abu Hishma, Iraq.
All Information Was Found On And Copied From
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
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1 comment:
you are so right and I wish people would have more respect for the armed forces. It is particularly tough here in uk as many are so very against the idea of the war in the middle east. it got so bad that in some military towns, people were abusing the soldiers who were in the streets in uniform. So what did their superiors do to try and solve it?-- told them not to go out in uniform into public areas. It makes me ashamed to be british (sometimes) and made me feel sick that our armed forces are made to feel ashamed of what they are doing. it sucks. I must add, it is still a minority of the UK public that behave like that, it isn't the norm but even if a small amount of people are doing it, that is too many. The armed forces should feel proud of themselves for doing such an important job that so many of us could not do, because we are not strong enough. Me included! I think we are all in their debt and people like Spc. Kenneth W. Haines shold be celebrated!
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