At the recent Veterans Day Parade festivities, this guy on rollerskates planned ahead by wearing rollerskates to catch all the activities. This is a good idea, but I will first have to learn how to skate.
Have a nice weekend,
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12:01 AM
Now that guy had the right idea, altho i would be falling on my hiney if i tried that. Never was any good on skates.
Haha that's a great idea. Skates, so your feet don't hurt too well. Roller skating is easier than roller blading, so yeah I recommend learning to skate first =)
Nice take on the pictures by the way.
Your Daily Reality Nursing
I noticed that he is wearing skates and not blades too. Think that was a smart thing. Never heard of someone doing video this way before. Very enterprising.
Wow! I might could skate, but I'd never be able to stop without crashing!
About the round, plastic cardholders and Hand and Foot--they're not required to play but they certainly do help in holding all of those cards so that you can see them! Mama taught me how to play today, so I know first hand! Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.
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