While visiting the docks this past weekend, this worker took a break by jumping up onto a ramp, did a few pull-ups, and then jumped off. If not careful, he could have taken a dip in the cold bay waters.
I could think of a few other ways to take a break.
- Karen
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12:01 AM
hope the health&safety brigade weren't watching
Risk of getting wet is probably going to be great motivational factor.
Still, I prefer to either exercise on dry land (taiji and/or riding bicycle) or get proper care and go paddling on kayak.
He's a brave one! Did you know he was going to do that or did you just happen to be in the right place at the right time to get the photo?
Ackworth, I suspect he's done this quite often, but never got caught.
Juha, I guess he likes to live dangerously or have no membership to a gym.
Dot, I just happened to be standing there taking photos of kayakers and all of a sudden he jumps right up onto the docks. I could've gotten more photos of him, but I was in too much of a shock.
well what a idiot he was, he could of gotten hurt. Wonder how often he does this, or was it a dare HMMMM i guess we will never know
Lilli, Hmmm, I didn't think about it being a dare. It happpened all of a sudden. One minute he was carrying a kayak from one end of the pier to the other and before I know it, he jumped up.
That is impressive...that you caught him doing that and that he didn't take a dip in the water!
Wow, I can't beleive you were right there..and I can't believe the guy didn't fall in the water. He must be an adrenaline junky!
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