Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome Home

I was walking in San Francisco last weekend and came across this beautiful brick mansion with a nice garden.

I don't know who lives here.
If you live here, please welcome me in so I can have a look inside.

Have a nice weekend,


rainfield61 said...

No, I live there.

You are welcome for a cup of tea.

eastcoastlife said...

Such a pretty house! I would love to take a peep inside too.

lina said...

That is a really nice house. I want to go inside too.

Rainfield62, can I join you for that cup of tea too? XD

William K Wallace said...

I bet the mansion looks even more beautiful and impressive inside than it does from outside. I could do with a bit of luxury living like that...

Sebab said...

It is indeed a beautiful house. Well kept garden with clean and elegant look!

Cruise Pictures

FilipBlog said...

It looks indeed very nice. San Francisco has many beautiful houses but it is not cheap.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What a treat. Who can resist a house like that.

If you get an invite, see if I can come also.

LifeRamblings said...

wow, that is extremely gorgeous. i bet the interior is equally impressive.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a very gorgeous house! I would love to live there, or perhaps just to visit.


AVCr8teur said...

Rainfield61: I think we would all like to come in for a visit. Thank you for the open invitation to everyone.

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