Local Freeway Collapses
A section of freeway collapsed early this morning in Oakland about 30 miles from me. Apparently, an inexperienced tanker driver was driving too fast in the middle of night, crashed onto a guard rail and his tanker truck exploded thus melting the freeway causing it to collapse. I had to drive to Oakland today and I was worried that it would affect my commute. Luckily, it didn't, but it will next week when I head across the Golden Gate. I feel sorry for the 250,000 commuters tomorrow who use this freeway. Our Govenator has declared free rides tomorrow on all public transportation in the region.
To read more about this in the news, go to... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/04/29/BAGVOPHQU46.DTL
- AV